Thursday, February 2, 2023

Blog Post #6: Modern News Output and the Silence of Contrasting Views in our Media

Based on the topics we have discussed in class, a lot of the mainstream media we viewed has been tailored to each person's likes and dislikes. One of the reasons we wrote a blog post on our top media sites was to see how what we watch, read, and pay attention to influences our perceptions on certain news outlets. I just feel that a lot more of the diverse opinions that should have an equal say or statement are just being silenced.

After taking a look at the websites listed, I feel that no one really knows about the opinions of people who are anti-war, as many of those opinions are often pushed aside to make room for the majority. That is not okay, especially not with how far we have come within our own society. America has not lived up to its standards of being a place for everyone, especially when minorities, such as myself, are still fighting the same battles that should have ended over 50 or so years ago, yet we are still dealing with social and institutional racism, as well as microaggressions, a lack of overall love and respect, and leaders of countries who are not willing to work with one another other than profits.

I read an article from on how the Western countries apparently barred attempted peace negotiations that the Israeli Prime Minister was trying to facilitate between Russia and Ukraine. The article goes to show just how much the government keeps hidden from us, and it seems like we don't have enough sense or understanding at times to call out the government on the mistakes made, despite having plenty of rights and support to do so. I, personally, want to see a more positive change, but often get caught up in my own life and forget political and social activism. A lot of these forms of conflict were mainly based on the profits that countries involved gain from the war, and many lives are being lost at the time of writing this. Knowing that these issues are happening, and not taking the actions to speak up, either because I don't want to get silenced, or I don't know what to do, it really makes me upset.

Another article discusses how soldiers in the United States, often because of negative stereotypes and stigmas, are not able to get the proper help they need to live a normal live after combat. These "fentanyl soldiers", as they are called, are suffering from severe drug addiction and are not getting the help they need. We have people who formerly served our country with the highest honors, not getting the proper respect or support needed for when they return home. I still wonder how we, in a country dedicated to keeping freedoms and rights alive, still struggle with providing basic needs to people of all backgrounds.

It's a shame that after all of these years of the establishment of a formal United States, not many people are aware of the rights they truly have, or how our rights actively work. Because of the many outdated aspects of the Constitution, I believe that there should be a big overhaul of how the Supreme Court interprets the Constitution, as well as making more amendments that facilitate equal treatment under the law, while simultaneously keeping the core concepts of personal freedoms, as outlined in the amendments, safe for everyone to use freely.

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