Thursday, January 12, 2023

Blog Post #1: Five News Sources that I Frequently Use

Being a game design major, much of the news I tend to view are often focused around new, emerging technologies, especially within the games industry. I want to develop a personal habit of learning more about current events, so I can stay in the loop with what is going on around the world. In the meantime, I can do more to branch out, and still be informed of important developments in the tech world.

A site that I visit very frequently is Nintendo Life, a news outlet dedicated to recent developments with the game company, Nintendo, as well as reviews for games and software from Nintendo and game partners. I like to read reviews for games I may want to buy, on different gaming accessories that I may be interested in, or even some cool new products that are highly favored in the community. I frequent their YouTube channel, where the hosts discuss their opinions on new, emerging technologies, commentary on the site's own game reviews, and some reviews on physical accessories that make gaming much easier to use on a daily basis. Because of these reasons, I feel that Nintendo Life is a really useful source for me as a player and upcoming game designer. An article I found discusses a writer's opinion on the best games from "The Legend of Zelda" to play before "Tears of the Kingdom", the next entry in the series, releases this upcoming May.

The New York Times is a news outlet that I frequently visit, as I know that many of their works tend to be very credible in terms of what news is given. Whenever I am able, I like to read plenty of interesting stories about technology and lifestyle, or even interesting things people have invented around the world. One article I really enjoyed was this article on the arcade scene in Los Angeles.

I will read articles of The Guardian for sources on papers, and it is a great source for information on events happening around the world. This news outlet is a great place for me to learn more about things that are occurring around the world, and the articles posted are more credible than others. I will often find an interesting article that I want to read on the site. Here is an interesting article on racial inequity and inequality and what people who are part of the majority can do to have a better, more positive, impact on the communities that are close to us.

Wired is a site dedicated to discussing news on recent technology, inventions, and entertainment around the world. I enjoy going to the site to read reviews on devices I may be interested in purchasing. I have been searching for a gaming laptop recently, and Wired has been a great source for finding what I need that will work for me. One good article I've been using is on best budget gaming laptops, which is very useful for me, being a college student. The editors and writers take their time to test these devices to make sure that the readers are getting their money's worth once they choose to buy a product.

Of all of these sites mentioned before, I love going to Polygon. The site is devoted to discussing everything media, whether it's games, film, or television. I enjoy how much information I can get from the articles I read, especially with the variety of topics available on the site that relate to my interests. The gaming articles may also have some videos relating to the topic that I will watch when I have time. There is a really great video from Polygon on the legacy of Bruce Lee and his effect on the modern fighting game genre as a whole. It's a really interesting watch, and I highly suggest you check it out here.

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