Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Blog Post #2: Internet Privacy and its Daily Effects on our Lives

The videos we watched in class really opened my eyes to how careful we need to be online in this day and age. It is so easy for people to access this information, and through research and methods, I want to be better at using encryption systems and better internet safety measures on a daily basis.

When we performed the activity in class where we had to look up our own names, I was surprised to find images of myself at different events after a few minutes of searching. I was interviewed for receiving a scholarship to attend the university, and I forgot that the article has my picture which is now publicly available on the internet. The TED videos we watched in class also showed how much of a problem the devices cause around us, and I think about all of my different accounts on multiple platforms that different companies may have access to.

Based on the information given, I want to be much safer online and when I go out. A problem I have found is that it is hard to disconnect from a system that a user has used for a long while, but it is a good habit to change the ways that I have used to utilize the internet as a whole. For starters, I could get a VPN to protect myself online, and many YouTube channels I've watched have been sponsored by cheap, yet effective options in terms of VPNs to use. As long as I subscribe to a VPN that will keep my encrypted information safe, the better. I also know that it is worth the money to have, especially with how cheap some options are to purchase and use. 

One topic I wanted to mention relating to Internet Privacy is the escalating issue of cyber-bullying. Fortunately, I have never faced cyber-bullying myself, but there may be some people around me who are silently suffering, feeling that there is no way out of the situation. Because of how widespread technology is, many people can stay anonymous (or will think that they are anonymous) and can cause a lot of damage to someone's reputation, often an issue or threat of blackmail in bad relationships. The TED Talk presented by Darieth Chisolm focused on digital domestic violence touched up on the issues of cyber-revenge, and the terrible processes to arrest perpetrators of a crime. However, if the proper authorities can't track people, then it's hard to charge the right perpetrator for a crime.

One last thing I want to mention is how there are emerging systems to combat different forms of hacking and privacy violations. After watching Andy Yen's TED Talk on ProtonMail, a startup that he and his team made, I want to research if I want to use ProtonMail to send my emails, or if I can add a VPN extension for all of the devices I use on a daily basis. Here's a link to the TED Talk if you want to watch it.

As a whole, the advances of technology are a great thing, but it is very important to be safer on the internet now more than ever, especially with what motivations some people may have. Having my important information just out for everyone to see does not make me feel comfortable, and I want to take steps to better myself and my internet safety as a whole.


Chisolm, D. (2018, June). How revenge porn turns lives upside down [Video]. TED. https://www.ted.com/talks/darieth_chisolm_how_revenge_porn_turns_lives_upside_down.

Yen, A. (2014, Oct.). Think your email's private? Think again [Video]. TED. https://www.ted.com/talks/andy_yen_think_your_email_s_private_think_again#.

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